Mile Dooley
(born 7 February 1961 – Present)
Mike Dooley, is a New York Bestelling author, speaker, and entrepreneaur in the philosophical New Thought movement. Dooley was born in Orange, California. He graduated from the University of Florida in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. Mike Dooley worked in Florida, Massachusetts, and Saudi Arabia as an international tax specialist for Price Waterhouse Coopers for many years.
In 1989, Mike Dooley co-founded TUT Enterprises, Inc, with his brother, Andy Dooley, and their mother. The company sold its own line of T-shirts and gifts from small chain stores and through a distibutor in Jyoetsu, Japan. In 1999 the company wound down retail and wholesale operations and Dooley became the sole shareholder, transforming the business into what is known today as "Adventurer's Club" to celebrate the adventure of life. In August of 2015, there were over 700,000 members, all of whom receive Dooley's daily emails "Notes from the Universe".
[Videos by Mike Dooley]
[Quotes by Mike Dooley]
Links & Resources
mike Dooley - YouTube Channel - Thoughts Become Things What Happens When You Die? - Mike Dooley (Article)
Infinite Possibilities (2001)
Notes From The Universe (2003)
Leveraging The Universe (2005)
Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things (2009)
Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier (2010)
An Adventurer's Guide To The Jungles Of Time And Space (2012)
Dreams Come True: All They Need Is You! (2013)
The Top Ten Things Dead People Want To Tell You (2014)
Life On Earth: Understanding How We Got Here, And What Might Lie Ahead (2016
Love Your Life In 30 Days (2016)
Playing The Matrix: A Plan For Living Deliberately And Creating Consciously (2017)
From Deep Space With Love: A Conversation About Consciousness, The Universe, and Building A Better World (2017)