Personal Development * Inspirational * Success Principles * Spiritual Science

Rhonda Byrne

(March 12, 1945 -- present)

Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda Byrne is an Australian author, television writer and producer. She is best known for her book, The Secret, and the film she produced with the same title. She wrote several sequels to the book including, The Power, The Magic, and Hero, as well as other books related to The Secret.

Byrne was born in Australia to Ronald and Irene Izon. She would later work as an executive producer for Australia television. Some of her credits includes Oz Encounters: UFO's in Australia (1997), Sensing Murder: Easy Street (2003), Loves Me, Loves Me Not (2003), and one episode of Sensing Murder (2004)

After the passing of her father in 2004, Byrne became severely depressed. As more unfortunate setbacks in her life occurred, Rhonda soon found that her life was in complete turmoil. Her daughter, Hailey, began insisting that she read the book The Science of Getting Rich (1911) a well known new-thought book by Wallace D. Wattles. Rhonda discovered the concepts of positive thinking, the law of attraction, and many other principles that helped her overcome her depression, and go on to find further success in her life.

She soon began more extensive research into these subjects and soon formulated the concept for The Secret book. During her research, Byrne discovered that most of the great men throughout history, such as Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Henry Ford and many others, knew about principles such as the law of attraction and related new thought ideas. As she furthered her research, she found other modern teachers of the law of attraction principles, such as Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Joseph Vitale, James A. Ray, John Demartini, Lisa Nichols, John Gray, and Marie Diamond.

The Secret went on to become a tremendous success in both book form and film. After appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show she gained more mainstream popularity and commercial success. Since 2010, she has regularly been featured in Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine's annual list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. Rhonda's daughter, Sky Byrne is also a published Australian author.

Rhonda Byrne's current project is an movie adaption of "The Secret", which will possible feature actress Katie Holmes as a main character within the film. Source

Keywords: |The Law of Attraction|

[Videos by Rhonda Byrne]

[Quotes by Rhonda Byrne]

Links & Resources

"The Secret" - Official Site

Rhonda Byrne's Website

[New Thought Authors]

The Secret (2006)

The Secret Daily Teachings (2008)

The Power (2010)

The Magic (2012)

Hero (2013)

How The Secret Changed My Life (2016)

Rhonda Byrne Quote and Image